Electricity Billing System using Python with MySQL Connectivity
In this blog, we will show you a python based electricity billing system in python, this project contains multiple feature and user can enter bank details and pay with their account and money will deduct from their user account.
Introduction of Electricity Management System Project:-
Electricity Billing System Project developed using python programming language and Graphical User Interface developed using Tkinter and MySQL database is used in this project.. User can enter details of Customer with personal details and Billing related details. Payment related details also managed and also store the electricity consumption.
Electricity Billing System is a Python and MySQL software based project to manage various of User, Bills, Payment, Units and Customer. The main objective of this system is to streamline administrative task and reduce manual work in managing the operation of electricity billing system. The User Interface is simply to use and user can easily manage records of customer and billing records in database.
Electricity Billing System Project in Python Class 12
Software Requirements :-
- Coding Language : Python
- Implementation: Software Framework.
- Operating system : Windows 10 / 11.
- Graphical User Interface : Tkinter
Hardware Requirement:-
- Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse.
- System : Pentium i3 Processor.
- Hard Disk : 500 GB.
- RAM : 4 GB.
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