Blood Bank Management Android App | Blood Donation Android App
In today’s world a blood is a saver of all living beings. The task of the Blood bank application is to the receive blood from various the donors and monitors the blood groups and database to send the required for blood during the need to the hospital in case of emergencies. The problem lies when there is not insufficient of numbers of donors, but to find the willing donors at the right time and place. We try to build network of people who can help each other in case of emergencies. We have provided new users to register them self for authentication and according to their requirement and perspectives users have to login. The application mostly are updates the information for regarding to the donors where the administrator are accesses the whole information about the Blood Bank system. The donors required to enter the individual’s details like name, Blood Group, phone number and donor location emergency in the time of a blood requirement. This application required active internet connection so that it helps to find the nearby hospital and donors instantly by tracing the user’s location using GPS. The users get the route to reach the desired location and he won’t have to ask manually, therefore time can be saved.
First Registration Page for donors and then the donors information their blood groups there will be the list of donor in that their information will be shown so if anyone wants a any kind of blood group then they can contact through our application to the donors and number of blood groups should be shown and also GPS tracking should be there so that if donors don’t have any particular blood group for patient so that they can check through GPS for nearby blood banks and they can track through our app. Next Page the blood donors information should be there then also the calling and message option will be there in app and GPS system should be there for nearby blood banks and if we want to request for a particular blood then request blood page will be there.
Blood Bank Management System Android App
Modules used in this project:-
1. Donor/ User :-
i). Registration
ii). Login
iii). Profile
iv). Near by hospital
v). Emergency Alert
vi). Forum And/ All
vii). Leaderboard
viii). QR Code
ix). History
x). Forgot Password
2. Receiver/ Hospital :-
i). Registration
ii). Login
iii). Profile
iv). Near by hospital
v). Emergency Alert
vi). Forum And/ All
vii). Leaderboard
viii). QR Scanner
ix). Add Alert
x). Add Event
# Technology :-
i). Android
ii). Java
iii). Firebase
Software Requirements :-
- Coding Language : Python
- Implementation: Software Framework.
- Operating system : Windows 10 / 11.
- Graphical User Interface : Tkinter
Hardware Requirement:-
- Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse.
- System : Pentium i3 Processor.
- Hard Disk : 500 GB.
- RAM : 4 GB.
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