Book Recommender System using Machine Learning
With the Machine Learning Model we develop a Book Recommendation System Project.
When someone selling online, then some businesses have their recommendation system model attached with their website. However most of the websites are not integrated with recommender system. Businesses force them toΒ customers for purchase additional or irrelevant things. User have to select fascinating or practical things from vast selection of products with the aid of personalized recommendation system.
Because of expansion of the internet, customers have wide range of possibilities for products from ecommerce websites. It is difficult for customers to locate ideal products at ideal moment. Customer can find news, books, movies, research article and online courses using a personalized recommendation system.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic and their busy schedules, physical trips to stores and libraries have significantly decreased in recent years. E-Libraries and E-Marketplaces grew to be well liked gathering spaces. Economic boom raises people purchasing power and their living standard.
Expert systems gave consumers to choose quickly and wisely among infinte options, Customer can find their favorite books from wide selection. As a result, recommendation system emerged to personalize users’ searches and provide the most advantageous outcomes from various possibilities. Amazon first suggested a personalized suggestion system, which help to increases sales from $9.9 billion to $12.83 billion in 2019 which was 29% more than the previous year.
Collaborative Filtering is a method of forecasting a user preference based on preference of several users. It recommend on user prior behavior data, this thing successful implemented including many large and prosperous website like Amazon and others.
A library of university has thousand or millions of books. If reader have to find any book then it is difficult to locate when they require. Some university have implemented recommender systems for their library. Recommender system gave users individual suggestion for good or services.
Online Book Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering
Software Requirements :-
- Coding Language : Python
- Implementation: Software Framework.
- Operating system : Windows 10 / 11.
- Graphical User Interface : Tkinter
Hardware Requirement:-
- Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse.
- System : Pentium i3 Processor.
- Hard Disk : 500 GB.
- RAM : 4 GB.
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