Women Safety App Project in Android Studio Source Code
In this video, i will show project based on security alert system for women or children so this is android app which basically provide facility message to emergency contact, whenever you’re feel that you are not safe at particular location or somewhere so you can just shake the phone and sent the alert message to the emergency contact. to start the application user need to register whenever you first time login so you have to create the account and login with same crediential then it will open home page. If you are using this application first time then user have to add emergency contact and complete the profile in app like name, address, contact number, email id and blood group, etc. After completion of user profile they have to click on start tracking then few parameters will start working like g-force, speed, pressure, sound, etc. so when user shake the phone then g-force will increase and make the emergency alert for 30 seconds once alert completed it will sent location and user details to hospital, emergency contact and police.
Women Safety App Android Project Source Code
Software Requirements :-
- Coding Language : Python
- Implementation: Software Framework.
- Operating system : Windows 10 / 11.
- Graphical User Interface : Tkinter
Hardware Requirement:-
- Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse.
- System : Pentium i3 Processor.
- Hard Disk : 500 GB.
- RAM : 4 GB.
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