Suspicious Activity Detection using Machine Learning | Abnormal Activity Detection Project

Suspicious Activity Detection using Machine Learning In security systems anomaly activity detection is one among them. Surveillance cameras have been setup widely for video analysis due to increasing demand for security. Video footages are captured and stored in memory devices. Several places or organization have installed CCTV Cameras for continuous monitoring for surveillance. It is […]

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Abnormal Activity Detection using Deep Learning | Final Year Major Project for CSE

Suspicious Activity Detection using Deep Learning Abnormal Activity Detection is a crucial monitoring which is used to record anomalous human behavior without human efforts, the model has the ability to automatically take input video and live surveillance suspicious activity. The main objective is to automatically identify and mark occurrences that need human attention using Machine

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Depression Detection System using Python

Depression Detection using Machine Learning In recent years, Integration of machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have given potential in various domains, including medical health. This project is about a novel or different approach “Artificial Intelligence based Facial Emotions Analysis for Depression Detection”, focused about deep learning and artificial intelligence to detect and

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